What's Inside this Bootcamp

    1. Welcome from Nicole

    1. Guidance and Advice on Putting Together Your First Collection

    1. Things to Consider

    2. How to do Flat Lay White Background Photography on a budget

    1. Getting Started

    2. Baseline Calculations

    3. Alternative Pricing Methodology

    4. Understanding Retail Mark-Ups

    5. Additional Considerations in Pricing Your Work

    6. Getting Over Sticker Shock

    1. Guidance and Advice on Finding Buyers for Your Work

    2. 3 Reasons Why Someone Will Buy Your Work

    1. Pros & Cons of Selling Through Retailers

    2. 3 Ways to Get Your Work in Front of Retailers

    3. Understanding the Fashion Buying Calendar

    4. Understanding Sales Terms

    5. Processing Orders from Retailers

    6. Shipping Orders to Retailers

    7. What Happens After Delivery

    8. Dealing with Returns & Repairs

    9. Frequently Asked Questions from Retailers

About this course

  • £99.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

After completing this Bootcamp, you will:

  • Know how to start putting together your first jewellery collection

  • Have the tools to photograph your work professionally and on a budget

  • Be empowered to price your work fairly and with confidence

  • Understand how the retail buying cycle works and how to reach out to buyers

  • How to get press for your work, including getting featured in fashion magazines

  • Where to find the best suppliers for your jewellery-making materials and components